Get all of our new content we release each month!
Everything is accessible through the Monthly Map Vault which is hosted on Dropbox.
All content is available in the Monthly Vaults for two months.
Get it all. Get the Master Vault with my entire Backlog of over 1000 Maps, 250 Tokens, 25 PDFs, AND get the Master List of ALL of my FoundryVTT Modules ever released.
The Master Vault which is hosted on Dropbox and the Master List pf Manifest URLs.
Are you a content creator? Need Maps and SRD Tokens to go with your words? I got you covered. For $50 a month you have access to all of my backlog and SRD Tokens to use in your creations. You can use up to 5 premade maps and 25 tokens per month. Every ONE premade map and FIVE tokens must be accompanied by at least 500 words of original content. Additionally, you may release any number of products each month so long as you do not go over the limit set for premade maps and tokens. If you do not use up all of your monthly uses they do not rollover. Maps created by you with tiles and assets of mine are not limited to how many you may release. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions regarding monthly limits. To release content in this way, you must be signed up to this Tier. If you cancel after releasing content you do not have to take the content down but you may not release any future content with my assets until you are signed up on this tier again. Of course, you must reach out to me prior to signing up for this tier so that I may know your user name both on Patreon and/or Discord as well as the Author name you will be publishing under and any website or marketplace you are releasing content on.
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