Dragon Lairs…
The Shadow Dragon
Once there was a Red Dragon formerly known as Gauldurgothen, the Champion of Fire. He cherished gold coins and gems and other finely crafted weapons made by the Dwarves of Ragna Keep. He was never really much of a nuisance to the Dwarves, and for the most part he would not threaten their existence, as he grew rather fond of the treasures he could acquire from their Mithril Forges. The Young Dragon made his lair in the heart of the Smagnot Volcano, and he would bargain with the Dwarves vowing not to cause them any harm so long as they provided him with treasures and that they did not hunt near his lands.
Until one day, a small group of miners from Ragna Keep discovered his lair while he was napping and stumbled upon his great horde of treasure. The Dwarves never meant to cause any harm, and were not plotting to steal any of his precious treasures, but they did uncover a rather interesting find while sifting through his trove of magnificence. They found an Obsidian Pearl seemingly discarded in a dark corner of the room. Not knowing what it was they investigated it, and by an unfortunate stroke of luck they accidently activated the magical powers within, thus causing the dragon’s lair and everyone within to be transported into the Shadow Realms. The Dwarves, immediately becoming consumed with the darkest motivations of the realm, made off with whatever treasures they could carry, but their fate met an unfortunate end nearby.
The Dragon, however, continued to nap for nearly another seven years or so, and in this time he was haunted with nightmares as he was slowly transformed into something else entirely. He became a Shadow Dragon. Now he simply calls himself Faugrun. This reminds him of the Fog and Ruin that now encompasses the entirety of his lair and his soul.
Faugrun enjoys luring other creatures from the material plane into the Shadow Realm to keep him company as he watches the shadows consume them, before he devours their souls, turning them into his shadow minions. He wants to return to the Material Plane one day, so that he can consume more lands with shadows, and eventually tap into the connection of the multiverse with other reflections of himself in other dimensions of existence. He knows once he lures his reflections in, he will be able to consume them as well, and eventually he might ascend to become the first Shadow Dragon God.
Alignment. Lawful Evil
Trait. Faugrun is a creature of endless consumption, always looking for the next thing to devour. The Dragon loathes his very existence, and the only thing that pleases him is sharing his misery with others.
Ideals. Life doesn’t offer second chances, and neither should dragons. Faugun’s release to his pain is to inflict the very pain and suffering he has felt onto others.
Bond. Faugrun has a bond with nothing. He will not do anything for anyone else unless he knows what is in it for himself, and his needs are very selfish. If someone or something he knows suffers with misery or abandonment, he may proceed with a favor, but in the end he will deceive even those who help him.
Flaw. Faugrun is deceitful right to the core. His word and oath mean nothing.
Goal.The dragon hopes to one day find an escape from his condemnation, and he seeks to act out revenge on both the Humans and the Dwarves that played a role in his demise. He also has a nemesis in the Vampire Lord, Count Vasken. Faugrun has contemplated for centuries upon centuries if he would rather kill the Vampire, or let him continue to live in a foul and meaningless existence. He dreams of ways to torment him and has fantasized that when he finds a way to escape the Shadow Realm, he will then lure Count Vasken out with him, and trap him in a stasis somewhere where the light always shines on him, searing him for all of eternity.